To use RentSpree, you must first create an account. Agents and renters can create accounts from the homepage, and renters can also create one from an email invite from an agent.


From the Home Page

  • To sign up from the home page, first click Sign Up located in the top righthand corner of your screen. 

  • You will have the option to sign up as either an agent, landlord, or renter. Choose renter.

  • Renters are able to either sign up through their email or Facebook/Google+ accounts. 

  • Choose which you'd like to sign up with and enter your password. 

  • Your RentSpree account is now activated!

From an Invitation Email

If you receive an application link from an agent and you aren’t signed up with RentSpree, you will automatically be taken to the signup page. 

  • Click the Start Rental Application link in the email you received from the agent. Follow the same steps listed in the “From the Homepage” section and you will be brought to your online rental application.